

Speech-to-Image-Classifier is an iOS mobile application that utilizes object tracking & voice recognition technology to allow users to dynamically detect objects based on their verbal command. I used YOLO11 for the object detection model and Apple's Speech framework for the speech recognition.

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Guild Masters

Guild Masters is an Android companion app for the MMO RPG Guild Wars 2. Utilizing asynchronous API calls to the Guild Wars 2 endpoint, users are able to view their character's in game stats, equipment, and backstory. Please watch the video above to see some other features Guild Masters has to offer.

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Game Of Life

Conway's Game of Life is a simulation of cellular automation created by mathematician John Conway in 1970. I created this .net application from scratch using C++ and the wxWidgets framework. The user can customize the color of the grid & cells, save universes, and load already existing universes with elaborate cell patterns. Click the link below to see the github repo for this project.

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This is another .net application that I worked on for a school project. It is a simple calculator app that implements the shunting yard algorithm to change the equations from in-fix notation to post-fix notation. It can compute complex calculations like trig functions and exponents while maintaining proper order of operations.

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Titanic Resarch Project

Titanic Research Project

A machine learning research project that can predict whether a passenger on the titanic survived or not. For this project, I created three different classification models and trained them on a titanic passengers data set. The accuracy of the models ranged from 77 - 83%. The entire project was made in Python, using Jupyter Labs as the IDE. Click the button below if you'd like to check it out for yourself!

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